Thursday, March 1, 2012

Have a bad day!

One of the things that makes me smile is when a child is standing outside his classroom, crying at the top of his lungs, and resisting his parent's best efforts to leave him with a new leader. Some people might walk by this situation and think, 'Waumba Land is having a bad day!'

For example, a leader was out because her son was sick. Unfortunately, one little boy in her two's class missed the memo about the unexpected substitution in his class. Two-year-olds just aren't as sensitive to other people's problems as they should be. They tend to express their dissatisfaction, loudly if necessary. That was the scene on Sunday. 

I happily listened to the sound of a sweet two-year-old cry and holler about how he 'wanted his teacher'. He even called for her by name SEVERAL times. It was precious! Because in all the commotion, what I heard was a child who valued and trusted his small group leader. And a leader who had connected and made an impact on the child entrusted to her. 

In my book, that's not a bad day. Not bad at all.

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