Wednesday, April 25, 2012

If You Give a Mouse a Sticker

This is Mouse. Mouse is ready to go to Large Group to hear a Bible story and to sing some fun songs about Jesus. 

Guess who Mouse's teacher is. A two-year-old.

As you know, in Waumba Land we use these stickers to help kids remember what class they're in and to organize the tranistion from large group back to the small group classrooms. 

But for this future small group leader, one large group experience a week just isn't enough. And if you want to do something fun with your best mouse friend during the week. What's more fun than church?! And chances are, if you give a mouse a sticker... he's going to want to go to Waumba Land with it :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Always Never the Same

I took my daughter to the doctor last week. Just a check up. But my mind was on the million other things I needed to do after the doctor, so even as I checked in, I was ready to leave. The receptionist asked me the usual questions, "has my phone number changed? same insurance?"

"No... same..."

"I see we don't have your place of employment listed", she commented.

"Oh, Wiregrass Church.”

"WIREGRASS CHURCH!" she exclaimed, "My husband and I just went there on Sunday and let me tell you, we. were. BLOWN. AWAY. I mean it, blown away! At first we thought the video preacher was gonna be weird, but he's like, LIFE SIZE up there!" 

By now the other receptionists are listening in as she very enthusiastically went on. "I have an 18 month old, and we were nervous, so we didn't put him in the nursery...”

My mind was frantically searching for the right things to say at my first opportunity. Should I talk about our incredible small groups? The engaging large group production? Share our mission and vision? Ask her to volunteer? But before I could settle on a subject, she joyfully continued.

“... But we went by the Waumba Land area after the service and WOW! That place is awesome! There was a guy in a green shirt right by the doors. He showed us around and told us how y'all use curriculum even for 2-year-olds. And we looked in the classes and it was just A-MAZ-ING! That place is incredible! And that guy, who is he? He was so nice to give us a tour! We are SO going back! So, what are ya’ll doing for EASTER?!”

Being the well-trained professional I am, I wanted to seize this powerful moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for this stranger’s admiration of our laborious effort to provide an entertaining, engaging, safe place for her family to worship and connect with God.

But what did I come up with?

“Same thing we do every Sunday!”

Here are some pictures of just another amazing Sunday: