Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Big Picture

"Cooper" had worked hard all through his first preschool year. Listening, paying attention, doing homework. Short of the one time he got in trouble for talking during circle time, it had been a near flawless performance. For graduating from pre-k to kindergarten, friends and family members rewarded Cooper! It was his first big pay day!  Cold, hard cash... just for him... that he had actually earned through his own efforts! 

At the same time, Cooper's parents had started reading "Fields of Gold" in their small group, and had learned about the principle of "Give, Save, Live". Given Cooper's new found wealth, it seemed like a golden opportunity to share this practical application of finances with their young son. 

The following Sunday, Cooper came to church excited to make his own first "give". His Small Group Leader sensing his enthusiasm, saw that this was "a big deal" for Cooper.  Possibly, a defining moment. 
The Small Group Leader didn't just take the money from Cooper... she and Cooper walked all the way into the Main Auditorium (the "Big Church!") and Cooper, himself, dropped his offering into the bucket. When Cooper's parents picked him up from Waumba Land, he told them about how he had given. 

As Cooper's parents told me their story, they were so appreciative of the leader who had partnered with them that day. They understand that how they lead Cooper at home is more important than any activity or craft the Small Group Leader could ever do with Cooper on a Sunday morning. But, because that leader owned her unique role in Cooper's life, she was able to make an impression on Cooper that could influence him, for the rest of his life.

Because, on that Sunday, Cooper learned that he is part of something bigger.