Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tis the Season

Today, Susye & I relinquished our titles as the "Bert & Ernie of Waumba Land". Being the Directors of Waumba Land at Wiregrass Church has been one of the greatest privileges of our lives. We have had the honor or serving alongside some the finest people God has ever created; volunteers who get on their hands and knees week after week to share God's love with children. We have been blessed by sweet stories from parents about their children still singing in the middle of the week, the verses of God's Word that they learned on Sunday. We have been brought to tears of laughter by the unfiltered wisdom that only children can relate. We have worked with the funnest, most creative, passionate staff ever assembled since The Ringling Brothers, Barnum, & Bailey. 

As amazing as it has been, the saying "home is where the heart is" resonates true for both Susye & me in this particular season of our lives.  In the message series "Future Families", Sandra Stanley reminded us that while we are raising our children, "the days are long, but the years are short". With Susye's oldest daughter graduating this year & my daughter next year, we both came to the realization that our years are even shorter. We know we will dearly miss being Waumba Land Directors, but neither of us can bear to miss a moment being parents. 

From the first day through today, we have learned that the only way to lead a children's ministry is with a firm trust in God's provision. We have always believed that we should keep our hands open for God to give to & take from... and true to His nature, God has not left Waumba Land empty-handed! Garrett Hughes will take the center ring as the new Waumba Land Director in 2014. He is more than capable & qualified, he too is slightly crazy! And we mean that as a high compliment! :)

We want to thank the staff of Wiregrass Church, the wonderful, incomparable Waumba Land volunteers, the parents, and the children... for your trust, for tolerating our rants about Alabama & Georgia football, for always making us look good, but mostly for allowing us to be a part of your lives.

God bless you all & Go Team Waumba!
Becka & Susye